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Amanda Fernández-Fontelo, David Moriña, Alejandra Cabaña, Argimiro Arratia, Pere Puig (2020) Estimating the real burden of disease under a pandemic situation: The SARS-CoV2 case. PLOS ONE (PONE-D-20-20748R2).

Fernández-Fontelo, A., Cabaña, A., Puig, P. & Moriña, D. Under-reported data analysis with INAR-hidden Markov chains. Stat. Med. 35, (2016).

Fernández‐Fontelo, A., Cabaña, A., Joe, H., Puig, P. & Moriña, D. Untangling serially dependent underreported count data for gender‐based violence. Stat. Med. 38, 4404–4422 (2019).

Moriña, D., Fernández-Fontelo, A., Cabaña, A. & Puig, P. New statistical model for misreported data with application to current public health challenges. Submitted to Statistical Methods in Medical Research, (2020).

Moriña, D., Fernández-Fontelo, A., Cabaña, A., Puig, P., Monfil, L., Brotons, M. & Diaz, M. Quantifying the underreporting of genital warts cases. Submitted to the European Journal of Epidemiology (2020).

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